About Me

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New York State
Wife to an Irish import from Drogheda and Mother to two beautiful children and one fluffy white cat.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Whoopsie poopsie

Whoops! In my haste to get started on this blogging project, I forgot to thank my very good friend Sandra for setting me all up!!!! Let's see if I can tap into my inner Lois Lane (not the one from the original Supeman movies, but the one from Smallville LOL) and make her proud. Thanks for taking the time to find just the right background and badge and all the other technical stuff that I still don't understand Lol! I think you may have found a hidden talent and I would float you a few bucks for all your help if I had any to spare!! LOL!

Well on to the meat of the matter I would like to discuss. A person looks to buy a house, said person gets house inspected. The person is told it has a septic tank. Nine years later when septic is failing, the person finds out that she Does Not have a septic tank at all!!!!!! WTF!!! Apparently I have a seepage pit and 40 yr old pipe running off that! Oh and the pipe is made of get this, cardboard that has been soaked in tar! Now the whole thing will have to be replaced, Engineers called in etc. Whoa is me!! So I did what any good woman would do, I went strait out and bought copious amounts of chocolate and ate into a wonderful chocolate oblivion. Then I decided to leave it in Gods hands, I am sure I will be blessed in some way that will make this ugly situation get resolved.

Well enjoy your weekend folks, we are off to a Lego convention in Ct. I know my little man will be beside himself with excitement when we get there, he eats, sleeps and breathes lego LOL!!!

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