About Me

My photo
New York State
Wife to an Irish import from Drogheda and Mother to two beautiful children and one fluffy white cat.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Welcome to my blog, pour yourself a good cup of tea (Barry's Irish tea is my fave) and sit down and have a nice chat. I am the busy mother of two small children and when I am not running after them or cleaning up after them, I like to curl up with a good book. I particularly like paranormal and historical romance novels, they are my guilty pleasure ( How do they come up with this stuff!). Hopefully some of you have the same interests and can recommend some good books as I am always looking for a good one. I will of course keep you posted on the books I read so you can check them out for yourself too. Well until next time, I wish you many peaceful moments to enjoy your tea.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome and congrats on the new blog. Look forward to reading. Good Luck
    Busy Momma Bee

